Contributions to the WCS-project
The WCS is a huge project that runs for a long time. Many people have contributed to this game. First of all I would like to mention those unnamed heroes answering all kinds of technical in-depth questions in the diverse news groups and mailling lists.
Below is a list of topics with a list of contributers (for as far as our bookkeeping is complete - but it is not -):
Game Concept
- Martin Philipsen
- Twan Jans-Beken
- Ron Drabbels
- Marcel Janssen
- Henk Hendriks
Program (C++) Development
- Twan Jans-Beken
- Rigel Freden
- Staffan Hormann
Program (AI) Development
- Twan Jans-Beken (general concepts, layered command
structure, campaign management, pathfinding)
- Rigel Freden (pathfinding)
Program Testing
- Twan Jans-Beken
- Lee Weekes
- Rigel Freden
- Staffan Hormann
- Twan Jans-Beken
- Lee Weekes
- Michael Buchser
Media Development
- Martin Philipsen (2D bitmaps)
- Twan Jans-Beken (2D bitmaps, 2D animations, 3D animations, audio effects)
- Roy Hendriks (audio effects)
- Lee Weekes (web design)
- Michael Buchser (web design)