WCS Project status
Following items are in some stage of contruction:
This project uses the Allegro game library. This library takes care of many
aspects related to game design. Those aspects that are actually used in the
WCS-project are supported by a wrapper-class. The Allegro wrapper classes are
just making the library functions available via a C++ interface. They add no
functionality that aid the usability or simplicity of using the class. The
following wrapper classes are currently available or planned:
- ALLEGRO_MENU (planned)
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The interface classes are based upon Allegro wrapper classes and low level
STL classes. They contain functions to make the "naked" wrapper classes more
user friendly in terms of usability and simplicity. The following interface
classes are currently available or planned:
- BOB - extension on ALLEGRO_BITMAP
- TXTBOB - extension on ALLEGRO_BITMAP with text
- STRING - extension on STL string class
- PROPS - extension on STL bitvec<<32>> class
- MENU (planned)
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A powerful graphical engine takes care of displaying all the graphics on
the screen. This is one of the most critical parts of the WCS project, since
every bug in this part will kill the whole program.
- Graphic display routines
- Graphic objects designed (land, water and air)
- Static sprites (wall and buildings) - alpha
- Rotating sprites (radar domes, tank turrets) - planned
- Moving sprites (jeeps, trucks) - planned
- Aggregate sprites (ships, tanks) - planned
- Screen layout - planned
Pathfinding is a critical part in this project. Many vehicles must be able
to find their way around the map. Pathfinding in its simplest form can be
found on the internet, but of course we need additional functionality:
- Generic algorithm selection
- Basic implementation of A* algorithm - alpha
- Rigid implementation with focus on WCS project - planned
- Incorporate air-vehicles in algorithm - planned
- Incorporate sea-vehicles in algorithm - planned
- Incorporate group movement basics - planned
- Incorporate flocking behaviour - planned
The WCS project aimes at setting a new standard for game AI. This project
will incorporate several "levels" of AI:
- Unit operational planning - planned
- Offensive
- Defensive
- Reconnaisance
- Retreat
- Pathfinding
- Group operational planning - planed
- Attack plan preparation
- Group splitting
- Group merging
- Group movement strategy
- Group member requests
- Base tactical planning - planned
- Group control
- Adequate factory building
- Adequate defence structure
- Task force control
- Primary, secondary target determination
- Unit genetic string evaluation
- Continental strategic planning - planned
- Base control
- Primary, secondary goal determination
- Adequate border defence
- Resource assignments
- World domination strategy - planned
- Continent control
- Adequate task force structure
- Strategic weapons control
- Central inteligence management
This game will incorporate all kinds of multimedia:
- Sound effects - pre-alpha test-set
- Sound control (DTS) - planned
- Musical scores - planned
- Voiceovers - planned
- Opening 3D-animation - pre-pre-alpha
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